4 How to Remove Virus on Android Phone, 100% Succeed

4 min read

How to Remove Virus on Android Phone – Is your Android infected with a virus? Calm! Because there are several ways to remove viruses on Android automatically that can be done.

Be it malware viruses, battery viruses, and various other viruses.

We can apply this method on various android smartphones. Starting from samsung, xiaomi, oppo, vivo, and various other android brands and models.

But before that, it helps us to know what a virus is. Virus is a file that destroys other files, causes loss of important data, and many other losses.

So that it can interfere with the performance of our android phone. For this reason, we must know how to get rid of viruses on our Android phones so that they can be free from virus threats.

One of the biggest causes of the entry of viruses is when we surf the internet. Because there are several sites or even applications on the internet that may have been infected with a virus.

Or even the application is a virus disguised as the application we need.

Before we learn about how to get rid of viruses on android. First, let’s get acquainted with several kinds of viruses:

Kinds of Android Viruses

Kinds of Android Viruses

  1. Engriks

The engriks virus usually infects our cellphones, if we frequently visit porn sites. If our android is infected with this virus, a strange warning will appear on our cell phone.

  1. Shedun, Shuanet, and ShiftyBug

You could say these three types of malware are the most dangerous viruses for our Android devices.

How not, these three malware will cause our android can not be used anymore. So once exposed to these three types of malware, we have to buy a new smartphone. It’s very detrimental!

  1. Obad

If our android has or maybe often loses credit or often hangs. Be careful, because maybe our android is attacked by a virus known as Backdoor.AndroidOS.Obad.a

The Obad virus attacks by telling us to download applications on certain web pages. After installing it, the virus will start attacking the system on our android.

  1. Cyber Police

In addition to engriks, this Cyber ​​Police ransomware virus also infects via the p*rn* site. Which results in our android not being able to be used because it is locked by a pop up that continuously appears on our android screen.

Those are some viruses that can attack our android. For that it is very necessary how to remove the virus on our android.

Here are some ways to remove viruses on Android using an application that we can download through the Play Store.

How To Get Rid Of Viruses on Android Phones

1. Use Avast Mobile

Use Avast Mobile

Avast is an antivirus application with quite complete features. These include cleaning RAM, app locking, clearing cache, accelerating battery charging, and monitoring internet data usage.

How to remove malware viruses with antivirus:

  • Download and install the Avast Mobile Security & Antivirus app on the Google Play Store.
  • Run the application then tap the Get Started button.

How to remove malware viruses with antivirus

  • After entering the main menu, just tap the Scan button to scan for viruses and other threats on the device.
  • When finished, avast will display various problems found, ranging from viruses or settings that are considered risky. Tap Resolve to resolve the issue.

2. Use Kaspersky Mobile Antivirus

Use Kaspersky Mobile Antivirus

This antivirus application has features including, background check, which is scanning for viruses, and antivirus protection. There is also an app locker, track & find our phone in case of loss, protecting vulnerable personal information from prying eyes.

How to remove trojan virus on android:

  • If we don’t have this application, please download Kaspersky Mobile Antivirus and install it via PlayStore.
  • After finished downloading and installing it. Open the Kaspersky application.

Kaspersky Mobile Antivirus

  • Then tap Scan and wait for the scanning process to complete.

Without Using the App

In addition to using the application, there are other ways that we can do without using the application.

3. Safe Mode

Safe Mode

How to remove viruses on Android without antivirus:

  1. How to enter safe mode for each android device is different. However, mostly by pressing the power and volume buttons simultaneously.
  2. When we enter safe mode, all the applications we install will disappear temporarily. Because it only runs core applications that the system brings.
  3. Making it easier for us to check or clean files that are not important, such as cache files and remove android viruses.
  4. Please check the applications installed on our android by going to settings > Apps > selecting the downloaded tab.
  5. The system will eliminate all third-party applications list in safe mode, but because the virus is included in the system.
  6. Then the virus will be seen as a third party application but can perform system functions. So if our android is attacked by a virus, foreign applications will appear that we never install.
  7. If we find a suspicious application, then we have to delete the application by selecting the application and then selecting uninstall.
  8. However, there are cases where the application cannot be uninstalled, because the application has given Administrator Access.
  9. For that we must first remove the access, by going to Settings> Security> Device administrator.
  10. Then remove the suspicious application administrator access. So we can remove the suspicious application.
  11. After the deletion process is complete, then we just have to get out of Safe Mode and restart.

4. Factory Reset

Factory Reset

If the way to remove a virus on Android in the above way can’t clean the virus. Then the last way we can do is Factory Reset.

Factory reset or reset is a way to restore the Android cellphone system to the factory default.

Factory reset is usually done to solve problems related to system software. Like bootloop, forgetting the pin code, or one of them deletes or removes the virus.

Doing a factory reset will cause all stored data and applications to be deleted, for that we should backup data.

There are several methods that can be done to reset on an Android phone. For example, through cellphone settings (soft reset), through a special dial, and through recovery mode (hard reset). For more details, we will discuss it.

Soft Reset

To do a soft reset we can follow these steps:

  • Open the Settings menu, select Backup & Reset (Backup & Reset).
  • Select restore to factory settings (Factory reset), then a confirmation will appear. Choose what you want to reset, then enter the pin/pattern/password of our android phone.
  • Wait for the reset process which usually takes 3 to 10 minutes, when finished, our android phone will automatically restart. And done.

Custom Dial

How to reset an android phone via Dial is fairly easy, because we only dial to *2767*3855#.

Hard Reset or Wipe Data

Here are the steps to do a hard reset:

  • Press and hold simultaneously the on-off button and the volume button (every smartphone has a different button. Some use the on-off button and volume up+volume down. Or the on-off and volume down buttons. Some use the on button -off and volume up + home, depending on our android phone). Until the recovery menu appears.
  • After entering the recovery menu select wipe data / factory reset. Wait until the process is complete, then our android will automatically restart.

Those are some ways to remove viruses on Android that you can do. Hopefully this virus on the cellphone can be completely lost.

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