3 How to View Comments on Twitter via Cellphone and Laptop

3 min read

Confused, don’t know how to see comments on Twitter? Maybe the comments are hidden. Here’s how to see it.

Until now, Twitter is still one of the most popular social media platforms in Indonesia, even the world.

According to Kominfo.go.id, Indonesia is in the 5th position as the largest Twitter user country in the world, which is below the UK and other big countries.

Still from Kominfo, the number of Twitter users in Indonesia has reached 19.5 million.

That’s 2012 data. However, of course every year that number continues to grow more and more.

Of the many Twitter users in Indonesia, it turns out that there are still many who are not proficient at operating it, even just how to view comments on Twitter.

Well, for that reason, this article was made.

You will be taught how to view Twitter comments on an Android phone, on a laptop/PC, and some of the reasons why you still can’t see comments on Twitter.

Instead of lingering, here’s the tutorial: how to view comments on Twitter.

1. How to View Twitter Comments on an Android Phone

Before following this tutorial, you need to first install the Twitter application on your Android phone.

If so, let’s follow the steps below!

  • Step #1: Open the Twitter app and log into your account.
  • Step #2: Find the tweet or post for which you want to see comments.
  • Step #3: When you find it, click on an empty area as marked in the image below:

  • Step #4: Now, the full contents of the tweet or post will appear.
  • Step #5: You just need to scroll down, because the collection of comments is at the bottom of the tweet or post.

2. How to View Twitter Comments on Laptop/PC

If you usually play Twitter on a laptop or PC, you certainly don’t need to install any applications.

You can open Twitter in your PC or laptop browser.

  • Step #1: Go to Twitter.com and log in to your Twitter account.
  • Step #2: Find the tweet or post for which you want to see comments.
  • Step #3: When you have found it, click on an empty area as marked in red in the image below:

  • Step #4: Well, then the full contents of the tweet or post will appear.
  • Step #5: You just scroll down. A collection of comments is at the bottom of the post.

3. How to View Hidden Twitter Comments

Recently, Twitter launched a new feature that allows users to hide comments/replies.

So, not everyone can easily see the tweets, comments, or replies in a post, except through a few steps.

This feature was created by Twitter so that tweet owners can hide negative comments, spam, or replies that shouldn’t exist.

If you want to see hidden comments, follow these steps:

  • Step #1: Open the tweet or Twitter post for which you want to see the hidden comments. Tap/click on an empty area as shown in the image below:

  • Step #2: After fully opening the post, click the 3 dot icon as shown in the image below:

  • Step #3: Select View Hidden Replies.
  • Step #4: Well, later comments that are hidden by the owner of the account or tweet will appear.

If there are no hidden comments, it will display a display like this:

Reasons Why Can’t See Comments on Twitter

While having fun surfing on Twitter, seeing interesting tweets, reading eccentric comments, suddenly you see one of the comments that is not available like this:

Of course, writings like this make you curious, right, what exactly are they posting?

In addition to the words “This Tweet is not available”, sometimes there are also similar posts, “This reply is not available” or “This quoted Tweet is not available”.

Well, there are several possibilities if you find a tweet or comment like that.

Here are 3 reasons why you can’t see comments or tweets on Twitter.

1. Tweet or comment has been deleted

If on other social media such as Instagram and Facebook, when you delete a comment or post, the comment will disappear instantly without leaving any traces.

Unlike Twitter, when someone deletes a comment or tweet, the comment will leave a trail of the words “This Tweet is not available” or “This reply is not available”.

These posts are useful for showing that someone has tweeted or commented in the column.

This is the most common reason why you can’t see Twitter comments, namely because the comment or tweet has been deleted by the owner.

So, you don’t have to be surprised anymore, especially in popular tweets or posts, you will find a lot of unavailable comments.

This is because it could be that the comment has already been replied to by someone else before it was deleted.

2. Your Twitter account is blocked

One of the reasons why you can’t see Twitter comments is that your account may have been blocked by the creator of the comment or tweet.

In fact, even if you search for the comment on the Hidden Replies page, it won’t be there.

When your account is blocked by someone, then you will not be able to see the data, tweets, posts, comments, replies, and other traces of that person’s account.

You will only be able to see it when the person unblocks your account.

3. Twitter account making tweets/comments protected

On Instagram, there is a private account feature.

On Twitter, there is a protect feature to protect your account from stalkers.

When a Twitter account is protected, no one can see the contents of tweets, comments, retweets, replies, and all kinds of posts from that account except the followers.

When following a protected account, you have to wait for approval from that account.

Well, if you see someone retweeting a post, but you can’t access the original post, then the account who created the post could be protected.

You have to follow the account and wait for approval to be able to see the post.


Well, those are the ways to see replies on Twitter, either through an Android phone or from a laptop/PC.

Apart from that, there’s also a tutorial on how to view hidden comments, and some of the reasons why you can’t see Twitter comments.

If you can see the Twitter comments, don’t forget to share this post with your friends, OK!


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