3 How to Mention on Twitter The Simplest, Latest and Most Complete !!

2 min read

You don’t know how to mention Twitter? Check out the following review, how to do it.

Active Twitter users are certainly no stranger to mentioning. But for those of you who are new to Twitter, you certainly don’t know what mention is and how.

Mentions themselves are often used for various needs, such as in tweets, comments, posting photos, or even videos.

The function of this feature also varies greatly depending on its use, therefore, you must first know what Twitter mentions are and how to use them.

What Are Twitter Mentions?

Twitter mentions can be interpreted as a way to tag or mention someone, where when you mention, that person will get a notification on his Twitter.

For example, if you tweet by mentioning one of your friends, your friend will automatically know that you just added the tweet and mention him/herself.

In addition, it can also be interpreted that you tweet to show that one person.

How to Mention Twitter

Mentioning on Twitter is like a routine for Twitter users, because this feature is not only useful but also very easy to do.

However, for those of you who have never or don’t know how to mention someone on Twitter, then you can follow the steps below:

1. How to Mention on Twitter with HP

For those of you who often access Twitter via mobile devices, of course, mentioning it is very easy.

Here’s a tutorial on mentioning Twitter on an Android phone that you can try to apply:

  • Step #1: Open the Twitter application on your Android phone first. But if you don’t have it, then you can install the application on the Playstore.
  • Step #2: After that, open the Twitter application, then log in using your Twitter account.
  • Step #3: All you have to do is enter your email or username and password.
  • Step #4: When you have entered the Twitter homepage, press the pencil icon at the bottom right of the screen.

  • Step #5: You will automatically be directed to the tweet page.
  • Step #6: Type the tweet you want, then add a mention using the @ symbol followed by your friend’s account name.

  • Step #7: For example, @andi123 and you can directly click tweets.
  • Step #8: When the tweet is successfully uploaded, your mention will be conveyed to the account owner.

2. How to Mention on Twitter Using a Laptop

Apart from Android phones, you can also mention them through your PC or laptop.

You can do the Twitter mention tutorial on your own laptop as follows:

  • Step #1: First open the browser on your PC or laptop first.
  • Step #2: Then, visit the official website at Twitter.com.
  • Step #3: Enter your Twitter account email and password, then click login.
  • Step #4: If you have entered the Twitter page, then you can click on the column What happened?

  • Step #5: Here, type the tweet you want, then add @ and your friend’s account name.

  • Step #6: For example, you have a friend with an account named Putri, so to mention you just write @putri.
  • Step #7: After that, press tweet and it will be uploaded on your Twitter.
  • Step #8: From here, you have successfully mentioned, where your friend will know you mentioned him.

3. How to Mention on Twitter Via iPhone

For you iPhone users, of course, mentioning on Twitter is also not difficult.

Given that there is now a Twitter application that you can download on the AppStore.

Here are the steps via iPhone, follow the steps:

  1. Step #1: First, install the Twitter application on your iPhone, where you can download it on the AppStore.
  2. Step #2: Next, open the Twitter application and enter your username and password to log into your Twitter account.
  3. Step #3: When you have, make a tweet by pressing the feather pencil icon at the bottom right of the cellphone screen.
  4. Step #4: Here, make a tweet as usual, then add a mention by typing the @ symbol and followed by the username of the friend you want to mention.
  5. Step #5: For example, you have a friend with an account named April, then write mention @april.
  6. Step #6: Usually, a list of names will appear on the side, press the name and it will automatically turn blue.
  7. Step #7: Press tweet and wait for the upload process to complete.
  8. Step #8: From here, you have successfully tweeted by mentioning your friend.


With the easy way to mention someone on Twitter, of course now you don’t need to be confused anymore if you want to tag or mention friends in tweets or comments.

If you want to mention a friend in the comments, the method is the same. You just add @ and your friend’s account name. Usually the options will appear, and the writing will be blue.

Moreover, this one feature is very fun and enjoyable, so you should try it with your friends.

If you can already mention your friends on Twitter, don’t forget to mention your mention in the comments column below, OK!

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