2 How to Change Twitter Username via HP and Laptop

3 min read

Is your Twitter username a joke? Want to change? Can. Come on, follow the tutorial on how to change the following Twitter username!

If you often play Twitter, you must be familiar with the username, right?

If you don’t know, a username is the identity of the name we use in cyberspace. Or, in Indonesian it is called the username.

On some social media platforms, usernames usually start with “@”, one of them is on Twitter.

Well, there are times when we want to change our Twitter username to make it look more elegant, not funny, or more adaptable to the times.

But, can this username be changed? How to replace it?

In this article, we will show you how to change your Twitter username, either through the Twitter and Twitter Lite applications on an Android phone or on a PC or laptop.

Listen, yes!

1. Changing Username on Android Phone

Here, there are 2 tutorials that you can follow one of them, yes. Customize with the application you are using, either Twitter or Twitter Lite.

Twitter App

  • Step #1: Open the Twitter app and login to your account.
  • Step #2: Tap the 3 strip icon located at the top left corner.

  • Step #3: Select Settings and privacy.
  • Step #4: Then, select Account.
  • Step #5: Select Username. This username is called the username.

  • Step #6: Now, all you have to do is change the new username in the column provided. Then, tap Done.

Twitter Lite

  • Step #1: Open the Twitter Lite app and login to your account.
  • Step #2: Tap the profile photo icon located in the upper-left corner.

  • Step #3: Select Settings and privacy.
  • Step #4: Select Your Account.
  • Step #5: Then, select Account information. Here, if you are asked to enter a password, then enter the password first, then tap Confirm.

  • Step #6: Then, select Username.

  • Step #7: Already, you just need to replace the username with a new username. Then, tap Save.

2. Changing Username on PC or Laptop

If you use a PC or laptop to change your Twitter username, then you don’t need the Twitter app.

How to replace it is also easier and faster, because its features are more easily accessible if you use a PC or laptop.

The method:

  • Step #1: Open Twitter.com in a browser, then login to your account.
  • Step #2: Click More, then select Settings and privacy.

  • Step #3: Next, just click on Account information. If there is a password confirmation, then enter your password, then click Confirm.

  • Step #4: Then, click on Username.

  • Step #5: Finally, replace your username with a new username. Then, click Save.

Username Terms You Can Use

You need to know, the methods above are the most common ways that you can use to change your Twitter username.

But, if you experience failure or cannot change your Twitter username, then there could be things that are not in accordance with the provisions of changing your Twitter username.

You can change the Twitter username as you like, as long as the username is still available on the server, meaning it is not used by other accounts. So, make sure your username is really unique.

If indeed the username you want to use is already used by someone else, then you can add a unique number behind it. Example: @Santoso2021.

In addition, Twitter also requires the length of the username that you can use, namely:

  1. Username must consist of a minimum of 4 characters and a maximum of 15 characters.
  2. The characters you can use include: letters, numbers, and underscores or underscores (_).

You also need to know, if you manage to change your Twitter username, your old username will return to general circulation, meaning that it can be used by other people at any time.

Tips for Choosing a Good Twitter Username

Following up on the possibility that your username ideas have already been used by others, here we provide tips so that your username still has the same elements.

The following might be a solution for you:

  1. Add the words “me”, “si”, or “this” before your name. This method is suitable if you want to use your name as a username, but it is already being used by someone else. Example: @sibudi, @sayaputri, and so on.
  2. Add the nicknames “mas”, “mr”, “bang”, or something else. For example: @mrjoni, @bangdimas, and so on.
  3. Add the word “we” before the username you want to use. This is suitable for community accounts or accounts for sharing texts related to certain topics. Example: @sungankita, @cuitankita, and so on.
  4. Use the initials or abbreviations of the username you want to use. This can give a unique impression. For example: @FSTVLST or so on.
  5. Add a domain name, especially for an account that represents a website or blog. For example: @detikdotcom, @klikjondotco, or others.
  6. Add the name of the region, city, or country. This is usually used by companies or brands. Such as: @Pantene_ID, @BeritagarID, and others.
  7. Add the word “chirp” or “tweet”. This can give the impression of being compatible with the Twitter platform. For example: @kicaubagus, @agustweets, and others.

Oh yes, before you decide to change your username or username, especially if your account already has a lot of followers, you should first notify your followers.

That way, they can immediately look for your new username if they want to send direct messages or other needs.


Well, that’s a tutorial on how to change a good and correct Twitter username, both on an Android cellphone and PC or laptop, both in the Twitter application and Twitter Lite.

If you’ve managed to change your Twitter username, don’t forget to comment, OK!

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