3 Ways to Hide Applications on Smartphone Oppo All Type 100% Work It

3 min read

How to Hide Apps on Oppo SmartPhones – You want to hide apps on Oppo SmartPhones?

So that the application cannot be seen or cannot be opened by your friends.

But you don’t know how? So you look for other ideas by looking for information through the internet.

Well, for those of you who don’t know how to hide applications on Oppo SmartPhones, then you can follow the steps below.

Which we explain in an easy and short way. As for how to hide applications on SmartPhone Oppo is as follows.

How to Hide Apps on OPPO Smartphone

For you for Oppo SmartPhone users, especially those who want to hide applications on Oppo SmartPhones such as:

  • Smartphone Oppo A53
  • Smartphone Oppo A3S
  • Smartphone Oppo A15S
  • Smartphone Oppo F7
  • Smartphone Oppo F9
  • Smartphone Oppo A92
  • Smartphone Oppo A52S
  • Smartphone Oppo F1S
  • Smartphone Oppo F11 Pro
  • And many more

But don’t know how to hide it. So below we explain in several ways.

As for how to hide applications on SmartPhone Oppo is as follows.

1. How to Hide Applications on OPPO Smartphone Via Settings Menu

  • First, open the Settings Menu.
  • Then select Security.
  • Next, select the APP Lock menu.

Kunci Aplikasi

  • After opening APP Lock, please select the application you want to hide on the Oppo SmartPhone.
  • If so, please verify your passcode.
  • Then, enable hide icons on the home screen.
  • Then, there will be a pop-up display to create an access number that functions to access the application with the dial up code you chose
  • Create an access code, for Access numbers it must start with a # sign and end with a # sign again (Example #123456#).
  • Done.

That way, you will have succeeded in hiding the application on the Oppo SmartPhone, according to your wishes.

Oh yes, you need to know to access it, you can make a call by pressing #123456# as you made the code earlier.

2. How to Hide Apps on SmartPhone Via Apps

Cara Buka Aplikasi Tersembunyi di HP Oppo Dengan Aplikasi

Henceforth you can also hide the application on the Oppo SmartPhone by using the help application.

How to hide it yourself is very easy and very simple.

So, how? For how to hide applications on SmartPhone Oppo by using the application is as follows.

  • First, Open your OPPO Android Smartphone.
  • Then, open the Play Store Menu.
  • Please search for the Microsoft Launcher application then select download or Download.
  • If you download, please return to the main menu of your OPPO Smartphone.
  • Then open the application you just downloaded.
  • Select and click the three dots at the top right of your OPPO Android SmartPhone screen.
  • Then click hide apps and then select hidden apps.
  • After that you can choose which application you want to hide.
  • If so, please click Hide Apps.
  • Done, the application is automatically hidden.

How very easy isn’t it? How to hide applications on your Oppo Android SmartPhone with the help application available on the Play Store.

For further, please try it yourself, yes, according to what we explained above and choose the method that you think is easy. Good luck.

3. How To Set Privacy Password To Hide Apps

Oh yes, for those of you who don’t know how to set a password to hide apps on your Oppo Android SmartPhone.

So, next we will also explain about how to set a privacy password to hide applications on your Oppo Smartphone.

The purpose is none other than to protect your valuable applications. As for how to set a privacy password is as follows.

  1. First, open the Settings Menu on your Oppo Android Smartphone.
  2. Look for Menu Face & Passcode (Fingerprint, face & Password).
  3. Before hiding the app, first set a password for Privacy by clicking Set Privacy Password.
  4. Enter Preferred Password and Confirm.
  5. Done.

Those are the steps on how to set a privacy password, the purpose of which is to hide applications on your Oppo Android Smartphone.

Don’t forget, after your password has been successfully created, try to record it and not tell others.

So that your hidden applications can be maintained and safe.

How to Open Hidden Apps on Oppo Android Smartphones

How to Open Hidden Apps on Oppo Android Smartphones

After you learn about how to hide apps on SmartPhone Oppo Android.

Then next you also have to know about how to open applications that are already hidden.

As for how to open the hidden application on the Oppo Android SmartPhone, it is as follows.

  1. Open the application or Phone menu on your Oppo Android Smartphone.
  2. Enter the access code you created earlier, for example #123456#.
  3. Then the Hidden Apps folder will appear immediately.
  4. Done

That’s how to open applications that you hide on your Oppo Android SmartPhone.

How very easy isn’t it? How to open hidden apps.

For the next, please try it yourself, yes, according to what we have explained above.

Okay, maybe that’s all we can explain about how to hide apps on the Oppo Android SmartPhone.

Hopefully useful, Thank you.

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