2 How to Delete All Tweets on Twitter, Easiest !!

4 min read

Want to know how to mass delete all tweets on Twitter? Come on, just follow the complete tutorial below!

We all know, Twitter is one of the social media platforms that has been around for a long time. Even in the 2000s, Twitter was already busy being used by many people, especially young people.

Maybe, you are also an early Twitter user, where at that time you were still a teenager who tended to be alay and unstable.

Now, when we look at old tweets in the past, we feel uncomfortable and ashamed of ourselves, either because the tweets are ridiculous and ridiculous or for other reasons.

So embarrassed, you might want to just delete the alay tweets in the past. In addition, these tweets can also be a digital footprint that can be brought up again at any time if not deleted.

But the problem is, if the tweets are many because they have been for years, it’s too lazy if we have to delete them one by one.

Well, therefore, this article was written to help solve this problem, because here we will find out how to delete old tweets in bulk and quickly.

In fact, in this way, we can also delete all the tweets in our account at once with just a few clicks.

How, curious, right? So, continue to follow the tutorial on how to delete all tweets on Twitter below!

1. Delete All Tweets without Additional Apps

Actually, there are many ways to mass delete your old tweets on Twitter. But, if you are too lazy to install new applications on your cell phone, you can follow this method.

This method will use web-based tools, so you don’t need to install additional applications on your cell phone.

In addition, this method is also easy to do on various devices, it can be an Android cellphone, iPhone, even on a laptop or PC.

1. TweetEraser

The first way, we will use tools from TweetEraser.com. If you have just heard, from the name alone it is clear, this tool was created to make it easier to delete old tweets in bulk.

In this tutorial, I will give an example using an Android HP device. You can follow it even if you use a different device.

Here’s how:

  • Step #1: Open TweetEraser.com in your mobile browser.
  • Step #2: Scroll down, find the Free Eraser package, then tap Sign in with Twitter.

  • Step #3: After that, fill in the fields with your Twitter username and password, then tap the Authorize app.

  • Step #4: Once logged in on the TweetEraser dashboard, tap the navigation menu in the top-left corner.

  • Step #5: Select Tweets.

  • Step #6: Well, there, you can search for your tweets based on keywords or hashtags.

If you tap on advanced search, then the filters can be even more complex. You can search for tweets by media, number of retweets, number of likes, time span, and so on.

If so, tap the Search button.

  • Step #7: Scroll down, your search results will appear at the bottom. There will appear your tweets based on the search filter you use.
  • Step #8: To delete, first mark the tweets you want to delete. If you want to delete everything, put a tick in the top column.
  • Step #9: Once marked, tap the red X symbol, then tap Delete now.

Yes, you just have to wait until the process is complete. The more tweets you delete, the longer the process will take.

2. Twitter Wipe

From the name alone, it can be seen that this tool does function to delete old tweets on Twitter in bulk.

To implement it, follow the steps below!

  1. Step #1: Open TwitWipe.com in your mobile browser.
  2. Step #2: Scroll down and tap Sign in using Twitter.
  3. Step #3: Enter your Twitter username and password, then tap Authorize app.
  4. Step #4: After that, TwitWipe will index your number of tweets and likes.
  5. Step #5: To delete everything, tap the TwitWipe button.

Already, you just have to wait until the process is complete.

2. Delete All Tweets with Additional Apps

Furthermore, we can also perform mass deletion by installing additional applications. This can be an alternative if using the previous method doesn’t work.

Here, we will use the Expire and Tweak applications, both of which can be used to mass delete old tweets.

But unfortunately, these two applications are only available on the PlayStore on Android phones. So, you can’t use it on iPhone or laptop.

1. Expiry

Expire is indeed an application that is used to conduct mass activities on Twitter.

Not only deleting old tweets, with this application, you can also delete followers, following, favorites, and expiring tweets in bulk as well.

If you want to delete all tweets on Twitter, first install the Expire application on your Android phone. You can download it on the PlayStore.

If it is already installed, follow these steps:

  • Step #1: Open the Expire application that you have installed.
  • Step #2: Tap Add Account at the bottom.

  • Step #3: Enter your Twitter username and password, then tap Allow app.

  • Step #4: After that, tap on your account.

  • Step #5: Well, if you want to delete all your tweets, you just have to tap Delete All Tweets, then select Yes.

  • Step #6: But if you want to delete only certain tweets, you can tap Tweets.

After that, a list of your tweets will appear starting from the newest to the oldest.

  • Step #7: To delete, you first mark the tweets that you want to delete.
  • Step #8: After that, tap the trash can icon in the top-right corner, then select Yes.

2. Tweek

Tweak application was created specifically to delete old tweets in bulk.

With this application, you can delete all tweets at once or delete certain tweets.

Before following the tutorial, you need to install the Tweak application on your Android phone. You can download it on the Play Store.

If it is already installed, follow these steps:

  • Step #1: Open the Tweak application that you have installed.
  • Step #2: Tap Login.

  • Step #3: Enter your Twitter username and password, then tap Allow app.

After that, a list of your tweets will appear on Twitter from the newest to the oldest.

  • Step #4: If you want to delete all tweets, you can tap the double tick icon to mark all of them.

  • Step #5: After all tweets are blue, all you have to do is tap the trash can icon to delete it, then select Yes.

  • Step #6: If you want to delete only certain tweets, you can mark the tweet you want to delete by pressing and holding the tweet.

  • Step #7: If the tweet you want to delete is already blue, just tap the trash can icon to delete it.


How easy, right?

Oh yes, after you have successfully deleted all the tweets on your Twitter, and you no longer need these applications or tools, you need to revoke the access permissions for these applications or tools.

So, when you login to the application or tool using your Twitter account, you actually have given the application or tool permission to access your Twitter data.

Well, therefore, to better protect your data, it’s a good idea to revoke the access permission of the application or tool that you have used.

If you’ve managed to delete all the tweets on your Twitter, don’t forget to share it with your friends, OK!

If you’re still confused, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments!


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