Still can! Here’s How to Connect Twitter to Facebook Latest

4 min read

Want to connect Twitter to Facebook but don’t know how? Follow the tutorial on how to connect Twitter to Facebook below!

Are you active on Twitter and Facebook at the same time? Tweets that you post on Twitter you usually copy and paste to Facebook for status updates with the same text.

Know that the manual method is so cumbersome and outdated.

I want to tell you, there is a way so that the tweets that we post on Twitter can also be posted on Facebook status automatically.

So, we don’t have to bother copying tweets on Twitter to Facebook status anymore.

How to? The trick is to connect Twitter with Facebook.

How to? You can do this by reading the tutorial on how to connect Twitter to Facebook below.

Can You Still Connect Twitter to Facebook?

How to Connect Twitter to Facebook Latest

In the past, Twitter and Facebook could be connected very easily. There is an official feature for this. We can even set it in the Facebook or Twitter settings section.

This feature makes it easier for us in many ways when we are active on social media. One of them, we can post the same thing on both platforms at once, without the need to copy and post again manually.

But unfortunately, this feature is now no longer available, allegedly due to a data misuse case that hit Facebook some time ago.

From there, Facebook then updated its Platform Policy and removed this connection with Twitter.

In the past, we could activate this feature on the page. But now, if the page is opened, it will be redirected to the official Twitter profile page to

Let me see!

How to Connect Twitter to Facebook Latest1

We also don’t know if this feature will be permanently disabled or only temporarily. It is possible that this feature will be held again with new policies.

But, apart from that, even though we can’t connect Twitter to Facebook via official features, we can still do it with third-party apps.

What’s the application? Here..

IFTTT, Application to Connect Twitter to Facebook

Fortunately, there is now a service from the IFTTT (If This then That) app. This application is actually very popular, especially for social media activists.

Basically, IFTTT provides a service that allows us to perform an action on two or more applications or devices automatically, by connecting two or more applications.

In essence, the IFTTT app is designed to automate multiple commands with just one click.

IFTTT has also been integrated with more than 500 application services or devices, from Twitter, Facebook, Blogspot, Instagram, Android, WordPress, DropBox, and so on.

Well, in this context, we can also connect Twitter with Facebook using IFTTT.

To install the IFTTT application, you can download it on the Play Store for Android or the App Store if you use Apple.

1. How to Connect Twitter to Facebook with IFTTT

Before following this tutorial, make sure you have installed the IFTTT application on your cell phone.

In addition, I also recommend logging in to your Facebook and Twitter accounts to facilitate the login process in the IFTTT application.

Oh yes, you need to know too, this method works so that what you post on Facebook will automatically be posted on Twitter too.

But not vice versa, what you tweet on Twitter will not be posted on Facebook automatically.

If you understand, please follow these steps:

  • Step #1: Open the IFTTT app, then Continue with Facebook. Log in using your Facebook account.
  • Step #2: Once logged in, it will look like the image below. Then, tap Explore.

  • Step #3: In the search field, type “fb status”. After the results appear, select FB Status Update to Twitter. View image:

  • Step #4: Continue, slide to the right on the Connect switch image.


  • Step #5: After that, you will be directed to the Twitter Authorize IFTTT page to access your account? to request application access.

If you are not logged in to Twitter, first fill in the Username and Password fields with your Twitter account.

If so, just select Authorize app.

  • Step #6: After that, you will be immediately redirected to the IFTTT Facebook page requesting access to …, to request access to the app.

If you haven’t logged in yet, please login first.

If so, select Continue as [your name].

  • Step #7: After requesting access to Twitter and Facebook, the Connect switch will change to Connected with the switch button on the right side.

If you have this, it means that your Twitter account is already connected to your Facebook.

Try posting something on your Facebook status, then your post will automatically be posted on your Twitter account too.

Let me see!

However, this does not apply the other way around, if you send a tweet on Twitter, it will not be automatically posted to Facebook status.

2. How to Disconnect Twitter and Facebook

If you have successfully connected Twitter to Facebook using IFTTT, now how do you disable or disconnect it?

If you want to enable it, follow these steps:

  • Step #1: Open the IFTTT app on your phone.
  • Step #2: If you have connected Twitter to Facebook, a screen like the image below will appear.

Tap the FB Status Update to Twitter box.

  • Step #3: If the switch is still Connected, it means it’s still connected.

To disconnect, slide the button to the left.

  • Step #4: If you have changed Connect, then your Facebook and Twitter have been disconnected.

If it is disconnected, then what you post on Facebook is no longer automatically posted to Twitter.

3. How to Remove IFTTT Connection from Twitter and Facebook

After knowing how to connect Twitter to Facebook, how to temporarily disconnect it, maybe we also need to know how to remove this IFTTT application from our Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Especially if you are a person who is very concerned about privacy and security, then you need to remove this IFTTT application permission from your Twitter and Facebook accounts.

By the way, this application comes from a third party, not officially a part of Facebook or Twitter.

Now, how to remove the IFTTT connection from Twitter and Facebook?

Removing IFTTT Connection from Twitter

To revoke the IFTTT app permission from Twitter, follow these steps:

  • Step #1: Open the Twitter app on your phone.
  • Step #2: Tap the 3 stripes symbol in the top-left corner.
  • Step #3: Select Settings and privacy.

  • Step #4: Then, select Account.

  • Step #5: Scroll down and select Apps and sessions.

At this point, I’m no longer allowed to take screenshots by the Twitter app for security reasons.

  • Step #6: After that, select the connected Apps.
  • Step #7: Well, there will appear any applications that are connected to your Twitter account.

If there is an IFTTT application, then select IFTTT.

  • Step #8: Then, tap on the red text Revoke app permissions.

Alright, that’s it…

To make sure, try again and tap Apps and sessions again, then Connected apps. If the IFTTT app is gone, then Twitter’s permissions for the IFTTT app have been revoked or deleted.

Removing IFTTT Connection from Facebook

To remove IFTTT permission from Facebook, follow these steps:

  • Step #1: Open the Facebook app on your phone.
  • Step #2: Tap the 3 stripe symbol in the top-right corner.

  • Step #3: Scroll to the very bottom and select Settings & Privacy.

  • Step #4: Look in the Permissions section, then select Apps and Websites.

  • Step #5: There, a list of apps that have been connected to Facebook will appear. If there is IFTTT, then select IFTTT.

  • Step #6: After that, tap Delete.

  • Step #7: There is a selection of options. You are free to choose or tick which one. Up to.

If so, tap Delete.

Already, the IFTTT app permission on your Facebook account has been deleted.

To be sure, try to return to the Home page, then repeat the steps from the beginning. If the IFTTT application has been lost, then the permission of the application has been deleted.

Alright, that’s the latest tutorial on how to connect Twitter to Facebook, using a third-party application called IFTTT.

In essence, the official feature of connecting Twitter with Facebook is gone.

Using the IFTTT app is also just an alternative if you want to post the same thing on both platforms, Twitter and Facebook.

If you have successfully connected Twitter with Facebook using the method above, don’t forget to share it with your friends, OK!


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